Home » Born-again Christian » THIS IS YOUR MIND ON GOD


MCLEODS, New Brunswick, April 24, 2024 – That look you get inside when you put all your trust in God and he does this to you, metaphorically speaking.

You’re still trusting God, even while you’re all trussed up and flailing; you just don’t know what the heck he’s up to.

That’s why they call it a test.

That’s why they call it faith.

It’s not God who’s done this to you, by the way. It’s always the devil or one of his minions. God’s given them the go-ahead, with clear limitations and restrictions, but it’s the devil who dreams up the schemes, the way he dreamed them up for Job.

Yet take this to heart: You’ll never be left trussed up and flailing beyond your capacity to endure it WITH GOD’S HELP.

I capitalized and bolded WITH GOD’S HELP so you’ll know how important that part of the test is. Many people leave it out and wonder what happened, why God never showed up to rescue them. If you come to a door with a sign on it that reads: “PULL” and you just stand there, waiting for it to open on its own, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t open. Ever. You need to PULL, like the sign says. And like scripture says, you need to ask God’s help to get you through your tests and trials. He’s not going to intervene without your request. You need to ask him.

You need to ASK. (It’s that pesky free-will thing again.)

I’ve recently embarked on a years-long course of action that’s required me to step out in faith and faith only. I have no idea what’s going to happen to me from day to day, but it’s as freeing as it is (somewhat) terrifying. Even so, I trust God and I know that a big part of the faith test and the trust test is not knowing how God is going to arrange this or that; if you know how God is going to arrange this or that, then you’re not operating by faith and your trust is in yourself only, in your poor and limited understanding of how things are or should be.

We, as born-again believers, need to move as far as we can beyond seeing with our eyes and hearing with our ears and understanding with our minds. We need to see with our ears and hear with our eyes and understand with the mind of God, like Jesus did. It may leave us feeling on occasion like that poor trussed-up pup in the picture above, hang-dog eyes and all, but it will be worth it in the end.

I know it will, because as bad as it got for Jesus right up to and including his crucifixion, it was definitely worth it for him when all was said and done. We know this from the 40 days and nights that he appeared to his disciples and followers after his resurrection, and we know this because we know Jesus one on one. We know that he sits at the right hand of the Father and will be there for all eternity. No matter how hard the tests got, Jesus’ faith and trust were not misplaced in God: There’s no-one and nothing else he could have put his faith and trust in than God.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I still have some flailing and pulling to do. ;D

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